Our Mission
We think happiness is an inside job, so we're passionate about helping kids grow their bliss from within.

Our Philosophy
At the core of each of us is a calm, wise place we call our Zenter. In our Zenter we find our true peace, love and joy. It's also the place we draw from to share our special gifts with the world. This makes it pretty important!
But we can lose touch with our Zenter. When we get swept away by outside things, we start to assume that what matters can only be found "out there". Even though there is a lot to enjoy in the world, it isn't where we find the deeper stuff of life.
We believe kids who stay connected with their inner wisdom (Zentered) are healthier, happier beings who have greater compassion for themselves, others and our planet.
To support the Zenter within each of us, we created the 9 happy habits for life!
The Happy Habits
The happy habits are research-based practices that work together like spokes in a wheel to bring strength and balance to our Zenter. Like, when we "Try New Things" our Zenters are challenged to grow and when we "Go Outside" our Zenters connect with the awesome intelligence of nature.

Our Products
The happy habits are incorporated into everything we create: