Our Books

Welcome to our Books page.
With the happy habits in mind, we've created two storybooks and one playbook. Share them knowing that kids will learn about the habits whether you point them out and explore them or not.
Find the PDF versions of each book, plus supporting handouts (like lesson plans, story maps and more), on Teachers Pay Teachers:

Happy Hunting Storybook
Happy's here and happy's there, if you look, it's everywhere.
Liza wakes up one morning feeling blah. When her mom encourages her to LOOK for her happy, Liza sets off on a hunt. This is A Story To Help Kids Find Their Happy (Using Selective Attention).
The book also touches upon each of the happy habits, so you can choose to investigate any of them when reading with kids.

Losing Your Marbles Storybook
It's not ALL about if you win or you lose. HOW will you play? You get to CHOOSE.
After learning the latest game, Omar becomes determined to beat everyone and achieve world marble domination! Along the way, he alienates all his friends and discovers winning really isn't everything.
Most of the happy habits can be found in Omar's story. Once again, you can choose which (if any) you want to talk about with kids.

Happy Habits Playbook
Carry happy in your heart, draw it out in your art.
The Playbook contains 45 activities that make practicing each of the happy habits easy, interactive and a whole lotta' FUN! An icon on each page indicates which habit the activity is developing (though most of them grow more than one habit at a time).

We practice the happy habit of Being Kind by donating 10% of profits to 1% For The Planet