That calm, centre-point within each of us is what we call our Zenter. It’s our internal compass. And it’s either strengthened or weakened by our daily practices – our habits. The 9 happy habits are the practices that work together like spokes in a wheel to strengthen our Zenter. One of these happy habits is the practice of Being Thankful.
How To Be Thankful
Notice the little things
every day + everywhere
How Being Thankful Works
Practicing thankfulness has potent effects on our bodies and brains. Focusing on what we are thankful for triggers the calming branch of our nervous system, causing our bodies to relax and helping us to be more present and content. Feeling thankful also releases positive chemicals in our brains, leading to greater optimism and openness. It's impossible to have negative feelings when we're thankful.
Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin and an antiseptic
- John Henry Jowett (Author)
When kids develop awareness of and appreciation for the world around them, they see the wonder everywhere and experience the happiness that comes from gratitude. Noticing the little things in life to be thankful for is a powerful practice because little things are ever-present! Being thankful, along with all its benefits, doesn’t require big events, just simple awareness.
This is a wonderful day
I've never seen it before - Maya Angelou (Poet)
Teaching Kids About Thankfulness
Lots of our materials can be used to teach kids about thankfulness. Find links at the end of this post for a few options:
Share the Happy Hunting HeART Lesson and create personal Happy HeARTs filled with what they love and feel thankful for
Celebrate their many gifts using You're Good At Lots of Things from our Be Thankful 5 Pack
Introduce the habit with the I Am Thankful handout, found in our Happy Habits Handouts

It is not the joy that makes us grateful
It is the gratitude that makes us joyful
- David Steindl-Rost (Monk)